Smith Residence - Aspen Landscape Architecture

Aspen Landscape Architecture, Aspen Landscape Architect

Smith Residence

The Smith Residence took advantage of a remarkable location with broad vistas. However, because of its site on an open field adjacent to conservation properties, Pitkin County required that it be located such that it could not be seen from the adjacent county road. Taking advantage of site topography and a willing owner, the existing hayfield was raised to obscure the view of the residence while providing a very desirable site for the residence. The house was designed by Charles Cunniffe Architects, and the rather complex approval process and site planning was provided by SCA. Site planning included landscape massing to screen the residence from an adjacent roadway. The lovely residential landscape design was provided by Greg Mozian Associates. This project represents a successful and unique response to approval constraints imposed by local governments, an important area of our work.


  • Site planning and permitting
