Snowmass Village Entry - Landscape Architecture
Aspen Landscape Architecture, Aspen Landscape Architect, Aspen Planning Consultant, Aspen Urban Planner, Aspen Urban Design, Aspen Resort Development, Aspen Urban Regional Planner, Aspen Private Sector Planner
Snowmass Village Entry
The resort community of Snowmass Village initiated a competition process for improvements to its entry that included enhanced parking and visitor reception facilities, integration of existing community recreation facilities with a new pool, and provision of additional affordable housing. CRA, in conjunction with Coburn Development of Boulder/Crested Butte, Colorado and Leslie Bethel Design and Planning, provided the winning design concept and began a continuing planning process with the town. The process included an exploration of roadway realignment and programming alternatives, carried on through a series of focus groups and charrette/workshops. This resulted in a commitment by the Town Council to explore a major roadway realignment that fully integrated recreational facilities, while providing a new parking garage and visitor's reception center, an affordable housing neighborhood, and enhanced wetland and riparian areas. This project is an example of our work integrating recreational facilities design, public process activities, and transportation facilities planning. The Entry project considerably enhanced way-finding, integrated recreation facilities including a new pool and recreation site, and resulted in the development of a new affordable housing neighborhood.
Public Sector Planning & Urban Design
Recreational Facilities
Pre-Production Design