Steamboat Springs Ski Area - Stan Clauson Associates
Aspen Landscape Architecture, Aspen Landscape Architect, Aspen Planning Consultant, Aspen Urban Planner, Aspen Urban Design, Aspen Resort Development, Aspen Urban Regional Planner, Aspen Private Sector Planner
Steamboat Springs Ski Area
The City of Steamboat Springs chose CRA to prepare an update to their "Mountain Town Sub-Area Plan." This plan is intended to guide public infrastructure improvements and private development at the base of the Steamboat Springs Ski Area. This ski area offers one of the best combinations of terrain and bed base in North America, but suffers from disconnected facilities, a lack of pedestrian infrastructure and way-finding, and aging lodging buildings. In the light of significant developer interest in revitalizing the area, the City initiated an Urban Redevelopment Authority to guide and implement public infrastructure as well as a temporary development moratorium to ensure that new development is compatible with overall planning concepts. One significant change included the daylighting of Burgess Creek as a wonderful summertime amenity. The Creek had previously been completely culverted across the ski area. CRA worked closely with interested citizens and the development community through a series of charrettes to design master plan alternatives that will guide growth and development for the foreseeable future and provide an economically sustainable resort.
Community Planning
Large Site Development