Remote Parking Study

Aspen Landscape Architecture, Aspen Landscape Architect

Remote Parking Study

This feasibility study was commissioned in 2001 by the City of Aspen to respond to existing parking deficiencies at several of its existing affordable housing locations, and possible future locations, by identifying possibilities for centralized remote parking for these sites. Many of the proposed future locations for affordable housing development have limited space for including a standard amount of parking. This is especially true of proposed in-fill housing. Also, costs and space demands of providing sufficient on-site parking at all housing locations may preclude efficient housing development. The study determined that off-site parking locations would offer a solution to the problem, and identified and ranked possible locations. The engineering firm of PBS&J and Clauson Rawley Associates, LLC collaborated to provide the transportation, engineering, and local planning expertise to undertake this feasibility study.


  • Public Sector Planning & Urban Design